I've been wanting to write a post about my very favorite bloggers/social media people. These are my top three internet inspirations.
1. Peyton Perry
I've mentioned Peyton Perry in earlier posts on my blog and on Instagram. We've interacted a little bit—sometimes I comment on Instagram, once she mentioned me on her blog and I found it months later and freaked out. It's mildly awkward because she's not quite famous enough to have fans, but I would definitely consider myself a fan of her work, aesthetic, and personality. Though I wonder if it's strange, or a little creepy, I've decided to keep speaking about and being inspired by her work. I listened to a podcast once about the importance of "tightening your feedback loop," which basically means making sure you're hearing encouragement and criticism from people about whatever it is you're doing. If my encouragement (read: fangirling) helps Peyton (first name basis) know that her work is inspiring me and making me happy, that's what I want to be doing. And if I'm the only one doing it, maybe that's even better. That's something that's cool about social media and blogs—even if you're not quantifiably famous, you can still reach people.
2. Audrey Conklin
I discovered Audrey on Instagram. I don't remember how . . . I think I was looking for fashion blogs to follow in Boston and she came up from some tag or something. Anyway, I love her Instagram pictures. She always has captions that either don't relate at all, or that relate perfectly. When I get back on Instagram after a while away, I scroll past everything and only stop on her pics. She also has a blog, which I just love. As with Peyton, I dream of being real friends with Auds one day. Knowing the two of us, it will probably be when we're elderly spinsters traveling Europe looking for the best pancakes and softest blankets. I can't wait.
3. Ashlyn Kittrell
This is the final friend (loose term, considering that I've never met any of these people.) I'm going to mention. She had a blog for a while called The Quiet Kind. First, let's just talk about how that is a killer name. Nailed it. And it was an offshoot of her earlier blog Triple Thread, which was when I first started following her. She has an expressive style that is adventurous yet classic, and she has an excelelnt ability to create outfits that walk a fine line perfectly. She just announced, however, that she's going to stop blogging about fashion for a while. I so respect that decisions. Whatever is healthy for her as a real person is great with me, because I only interact with their virtual person. She's going to start writing about mental health, so I'm excited to see where that goes. Here's the link to her Instagram.
So. There's three ladies I love. Check em out!
thinking mind living the examined life. creative mind closing the gap. Letters // Baking // Travel // Fashion // Recommendations // Writing
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