About today's topic, "haute couture:" If you're like me, you're not exactly sure if "haute" is pronounced "hot" or "out," and you always forget the first "u" in "couture." Well today when I was preparing for this post, I was in the eye doctor. And in the waiting room, I read the wikipedia article on haute couture. (I phrased that as if the waiting room induced me to do it, because for some strange reason I think it did.) I learned that there is a regulating committee in Paris protected by French law who releases a list every year of houses who are considered to be haute couture. I looked at the list of included fashion houses and watched and analyzed certain shows. I'll begin today with Dior.
I watched their Autumn/Winter 2015-6 show, and I am sad to say I was less than impressed. That seems like a silly thing to say, so I shall rephrase: "I was not impressed." Usually their designs take my breath away, but the ones I've included only caught my eye in relation to the other unnoticeable designs. Sorry, Dior, for the harsh review. I'm probably wrong, but hey! I'm only in the gap anyway. Maybe I'm just not seeing your creative vision, Raf.
Multiple silhouettes featured this cage-structure-over-dress design; this was was the best of those, and I liked it hitting the all-white look that's so popular right now.
Here we have the cape/cloak trend, which I love, and this silhouette is flatteringly enhanced by the fur sleeve. Positive ratings.
This one is slightly more "deconstructed-I-couldnt-find-my-coat-so-I-grabbed-this-blanket-do-I-look-couture," but I'm buying it. I think?
Here the cape/cloak trend is expanded into slouchy-coat trend—I like this direction. I would be so down to wear a slouchy coat around to keep warm this winter! Also the burgundy/pink pairing is on point.
And again:
These are two dresses I—well—liked. I give an overall positive review for the dresses in question, but an overall negative review because my top-ranked dresses from the show I merely "like."
These are the last two, and my top pics from the whole show. Despite the low neck of this first one, the power and elegance it portrays shoot it to the top of my list. Also, velvet? Yes! Sleek, chic, and not-so-meek! (Just kidding about the last one; fighting for the rhyme, yanno?)
And this. Blazer+feminine pattern+menswear+pajama trend=business-chic-please-come-into-style-and-my-closet.
So there you have it, our first July Haute Couture show review. I'm not sure about the timing of these; I can't figure out all the fashion weeks and the different shows and designers at each of them. Until I figure it out, except more patchwork gatherings-up like these! Up next: Oscar de la Renta (and hopefully fewer this-is-my-train-of-thought adjectives).
thinking mind living the examined life. creative mind closing the gap. Letters // Baking // Travel // Fashion // Recommendations // Writing
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