Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Messay: Internship

Hey, friends!

I just finished my first internship. I worked in the Marketing Department at HealthTexas Provider Network.
If you don't know what that is, neither did I. And to be honest, I'm not sure I still do. If I had to offer a definition, I'd say it's a group of medical practices that all function under the Health Texas name. So the Marketing Department of HealthTexas runs the marketing for every doctor practice in the network, about 150 health providers, from orthopedics to primary care. 

Even though my major is creative writing + public administration, not anything marketing or business, I worked with the marketing team. I lived with my aunt in Dallas for the month, did Pure Barre five days a week, and went to DryBar for the first (and likely only) time.

As I kept working, they let me do things that were more and more important. The first week, I stuffed envelopes, labeled folders, and made copies. The second week, I edited an award application. By the fourth week, I was interviewing different employees and crafting write-ups for the value report.  

I got to sit in on meetings, which taught me about how to accomplish projects over a period of weeks. I also got to see what it really looks  like to work in a business environment. Full disclosure: I was the only one in fun dresses. (Let's change that, ladies, shall we?) I also packed my lunch in mason jars, which people thought was adorable, and I ate overnight oats almost every day. 

10/10 would recommend an internship, even if you get stuck in the elevator for 45 minutes one day because you did jumping jacks! I learned a ton and got lots of good experience. Hooray!

The Summer Shadow: Behind the Scenes

The past few months, I've been preparing for my summer project. Here's a sneak peek at a few quotations that I hoped to tack somewhe...