Anyway, I've taken pictures of all of them and their placements. Enjoy looking!
This one went in the pew of a church we visited in Trastevere, Rome.
This one I hid at the bookstore.
This one went on the bus in Rome.
I put this letter at a gelato shop.
I forgot to leave this one somewhere, so I may or may not have thrown it out the window in our hotel room before bed.
I also forgot to leave this one, so I hid it between the adjoining doors in our hotel room. It was kinda weird. The picture is an ariel view.
I left this one at a store we were in, fancy men's clothing called Chelsea Farmer's Market.
Anyway. These letters are certainly a little unusual, and probably not very effective, but I love being whimsical and doing things other people don't. I'll keep posting as I continue to do it!