Friday, November 27, 2015

100 Best Cookies Take Forty-Five: Chocolate Revel Bars

Today's recipie was picked by me, Rah, Caroline (she's 8), and Ab (she's 6). Does that explain why we skipped up to number 45? Ok sweet. 

Here's the only special ingredient: weird canned milk! We sometimes already have this in the cabinet, but we didn't today. 

I don't have pictures for every step today, so hang with me. 
Start by beating the butter, then add sugar and baking soda. 

Sodenote: Being home rocks, and one reason is that the lighting for the baking pictures is better than back in Birmingham. It doesn't really matter, but it's kind of nice. 

Add the eggs and vanilla, then add the flour. 

Now stir in the oats! The easiest way we found to do this was with our do you. 

Press two-thirds of this into the pan, spread chocolate* over it, then crumble the rest of the batter on top of the chocolate. 
*To make the chocolate, melt the butter, chocolate, and condensed milk over the stove, then stir in the vanilla. Easy enough!

Stick it in the oven at 350 for 25 minutes. 

Isn't it beautiful? You can see that I tried to make some of the dough into cookies; sadly I forgot about them and they burned. But the oatmeal dough was so yummy that I bet they would've been delicious! 

Here they are all finished! Aren't they pretty?

I'm not gonna give it you ya soft: Honestly, these weren't my favorite. 
I know, I know. Why did I do a whole post on it then? 
For learning! For truth! The people must know!! 

I guess it's because if I'm going to do this whole 100 cookie thing, I'm going to go all out. I'm going to report on *every* recipie, even if I wouldn't recommend that you make them. Though now I'm thinking that next time I dislike a recipie, maybe I won't go as in-depth with the step-by-step. 

The oatmeal dough was delicious, but I really disliked the chocolate layer. So even though I'm giving the "taste" category a low recommendation, you could maybe try the dough for cookies or make a different cover layer. Then again, why would you do that if you could just make oatmeal cookies?

Taste: 4/10
Visual: 8/10
Easy-to-Make: 7/10

Here's the link! 

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