I love worship songs. And even though I go to a conservative Baptist church here in the great state of Alabama, I close my eyes when I sing. I like it better like that.
Today after church there was a tea for young girls and their mothers. They invited me, then sent me home with dozens of extra mini cupcakes and cookies and brownies! Hooray! I'm hoping to take them to the library tomorrow and share them with studying people. The church blesses me over and over; it never ceases to amaze me.
I'm reading Ezekiel today in my continued quest to finish the Bible before kamp, and one of the sins of Israel which it bewails is desecration of the Sabbath. In 22:26, it mentions this along with failure to distinguish between holy and common or clean and unclean as something that results in God being profaned among them. Just thought the correlation between that and today's blog plan was interesting enough to note.
happy day,
charlie (it's still me, maddie! just over here complicating things by a defunct pen name.)
charlie (it's still me, maddie! just over here complicating things by a defunct pen name.)