Anyway, this post is about Monster Mix Blondies. If you've never had Target's Monster Trail Mix, do yourself a favor and go get some now. It's the secret trail mix recipe that all trail mix companies have tried and failed to make for years. Finally, Target's hit it right on and put everything anyone wants in their mix, managing to leave out all the bad stuff (well, it does have raisins. sorry.)
So I'd had my eye on this baking mix for a while, and when it was on clearance the other day, I snatched it up. Here's some pictures:
Initially when I took them out of the oven and tasted them, I wasn't too impressed. For some reason, though, I just kept slicing little bites off. It was only a matter of time until I found the ticket:
Peanut butter! It made them super delicious. See?
They were yummy. I'd eat them again. I'd even make them again, except that I'm not sure I'd choose these over baking something new.
How would I eat them? Arranged on a platter sliced into squares, slathered with peanut butter, and sprinkled with chocolate chips. There's an easy party dish for ya!